hysterectomy greed and ignorance

Hysterectomy: Greed and Ignorance Reign


Hysterectomies and C-sections are two of the most overused surgeries. One in three women has a hysterectomy by age 60 and about half eventually have one. Approximately 600,000 women undergo hysterectomy annually, 50,000 to 60,000 of which are for a cancer diagnosis. This graph (figure B) depicts the number done for cancer (which are typically done as inpatient). However, the graph misrepresents total hysterectomies as it depicts only inpatient figures. In 2014, 70% of hysterectomies were done as outpatient – in ambulatory surgery centers or in hospitals with discharge in less than 24 hours. So one could say that ~90% of the ~600,000 are unnecessary. ACOG says that 76% do not meet ACOG criteria.

The Greed Factor

What is driving the high rate of hysterectomies? The more cynical among us would argue that money or greed is a large contributing factor and there are certainly data to back this up. In this article, a gynecologist talks about attending a seminar where gynecologists were coached on how to cultivate patients for hysterectomy to maximize fees. The healthcare dollars wasted on unnecessary medical procedures, especially hysterectomy at $17B, is discussed here. Another factor contributing to this gross overuse is the failure to properly diagnose and inform patients of treatment options and their risks and benefits. This failure may also be due, at least in part, to greed.

Ignorance at Play?

Still yet another variable may be at play: ignorance. For whatever reason, there is a huge disconnect between the perceived benign nature of the procedure and its reality. The research here, here and here are just a few examples of the compelling evidence of the damaging effects. These effects are affirmed by the thousands of comments on the various hysterectomy articles on this blog and others.

A Gynecologist’s Defense of Hysterectomy

A comment by a gynecologist on one of my articles reflects the ignorance and arrogance regarding the many aftereffects of hysterectomy (with or without ovary removal / castration).

Here is the May 3, 2018 comment by gynecologist Yvonne Treece, MD, FACOG:

There is no or minimal evidence to support many of these claims particularly in regards to pelvic ligaments providing support to the entire torso, loss of sensation, loss of sexual pleasure, fatigue, joint and ligament pain. There is some risk of nerve damage, but it is very small and does not result in loss of sensation over the whole vulva and vagina. There is a small risk of damage to bowel or bladder, with the ureters at highest risk. The percentages given in the YouTube video are grossly exaggerated, and most have no proven correlation with hysterectomy. The uterosacral ligaments are preserved in supracervical and most laparoscopic hysterectomies. The vast, vast majority of hysterectomies are uncomplicated. Most of the YouTube video is false. The false and misleading information is a disservice to patients. Where is the evidence for these claims?

I disagree that 70-90% of hysterectomies are unnecessary. Source? As alternative treatments become available, hysterectomy rates are falling. I am an OB/Gyn, and certainly do not do unnecessary hysterectomies, especially not for profit! That is a very hurtful, and malicious thing to say. It is not true of any one I know. Certainly someone may be performing unnecessary surgery for profit, but that is highly unethical, and illegal. Not mainstream.

Please look at an anatomy book (like the slides on the YouTube videos). A lot of your claims are physiologically nonsensical. It makes me sad that people have bad outcomes sometimes, but it saddens and frustrates me when patients are given misinformation attributing physical symptoms to a hysterectomy when they are unrelated.

I would be happy to have a dialogue with you about hysterectomy. I’m sure we could both learn from each other.

Here is my rebuttal comment: 

Yvonne – As a doctor in a specialty (gynecology) whose training and livelihood is entrenched in doing hysterectomies (as well as oophorectomies), it’s natural to deny and defend. I don’t know how much of your misinformation is due to lack of proper medical training (including intentional omission by medical schools) and how much is in defense of your profession and livelihood. But regardless, I will address your points:

1) The severing of the ligaments that run from the uterus to the pelvic wall cause a collapse of the torso. It’s an anatomical fact. To use an analogy – If you cut through bridge supports, the bridge will collapse. A woman can still be “fit” after a hysterectomy but her figure / skeletal structure will be altered. Her midsection will gradually shorten and thicken (even absent weight gain). Women’s comments corroborate this. Further evidence of this can be seen as an indentation at each side of her back (one woman referred to it as a “plane” across her back) where her rib cage is now sitting on her hip bones. Another telltale sign is a crease / line that starts a couple inches above the navel and then gradually lengthens across her midsection as her rib cage drops. I doubt you typically observe patients before their surgeries and a few years after in their underwear to be able to observe these changes. And it seems many women end their relationships with their surgeons. They certainly don’t need birth control or any other reproductive services.

2) Another anatomical fact – The uterus separates and anchors the bladder and bowel. Its removal displaces them increasing risk for dysfunction in the short and long-term including incontinence and prolapse. With so many women having had hysterectomies, it’s no wonder incontinence is so prevalent.

3) Another anatomical fact – A shortened and sutured shut vagina lacks the bundle of nerves at the bottom of the cervix as well as the tip of the cervix that heightens sexual pleasure for both the woman and man.

4) How can you truly believe that severing of nerves and blood vessels, including those running through ligaments that are severed, does not cause loss of sensation and sexual pleasure? It is basic physiology that innervation and blood flow are vital to sensation. Many women even report loss of nipple sensation. And furthermore, uterine orgasms cannot physically happen without a uterus. This is a HUGE loss for many women. And many women who still have ovaries (the lucky ones whose ovaries haven’t “died” due to loss of blood flow and feedback with the uterus) report loss of libido and sexual function. There are PLENTY of women’s stories of shattered lives on the web if you really care to know.

5) Most hysterectomies may be (in your words) uncomplicated (absent the “surgical” errors of ureter, bladder, bowel damage, nerve damage, blood clots, hemorrhage, infection, morcellated / upstaged tumors, anesthesia harms, death). But the after effects are forever (as are the after effects of some complications when they occur). And shockingly, 55% of hysterectomies include removal of ovary(ies) (equivalent of a man’s testicles) despite the average woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer being a measly 1.3%. More ovaries are removed as separate surgeries.

6) According to Obstetrics & Gynecology August 2013, ~50,000 hysterectomies are done for cancer. That is less than 10% of all hysterectomies making over 90% unnecessary. Media reports of declining hysterectomy rates are misleading in that they typically report only inpatient hysterectomies and the large majority are now done outpatient / ambulatory as I’m sure you’re aware. In 2014, 70% of commercially insured hysterectomies were outpatient.

7) I’m concerned that you also fail to inform your patients of the many increased health risks associated with hysterectomy (with ovarian “conservation”) – cardiovascular disease (3-fold), metabolic syndrome, increased Body Mass Index, increased BP, renal cell cancer, colorectal cancer, thyroid cancer. Ovary removal (castration) or post-hysterectomy ovarian failure is also common and is associated with another whole list of health risks such as cardiovascular disease (7-fold), stroke, lung cancer, osteoporosis, hip fracture, dementia, parkinsonism, impaired cognition and memory, mood disorders, adverse ocular and skin changes, sleep disorders, more severe hot flushes. Even unilateral oophorectomy (with or without hysterectomy) is associated with increased risk of cognitive impairment, dementia and parkinsonism.

Needing CME credits? You may have just earned some although you should have already known all of the above since this is your specialty.

Let the women who have had unnecessary hysterectomies (and those who love them) decide who is doing a “disservice to patients.”

Alternatives to hysterectomy are great but some of those also cause permanent harm. Ablation has been shown to increase risk of hysterectomy due to Post Ablation Syndrome. The blood can get trapped in the uterus (behind the scarred lining or due to a stenotic cervix) and/or back up into the tubes causing chronic and debilitating pelvic pain. Although procedures are the money makers, they should only be used as a last resort especially when they can do more harm than good. That applies to any specialty.

You said you “certainly do not do unnecessary hysterectomies, especially not for profit!” You mentioned you’re an ob/gyn so I assume not a gynecologic oncologist. In that case, all hysterectomies you do should be for benign conditions which makes them unnecessary.

If “performing unnecessary surgery for profit” is not “mainstream” then how do you explain the high rate of hysterectomies when less than 10% are done for cancer? And why do residents have to do so many hysterectomies yet ZERO myomectomies when many hysterectomies are done for fibroids? Yes, it’s very unethical but it’s the “standard of care” so it continues.

It’s no surprise that she did not respond to my rebuttal even though she stated I would be happy to have a dialogue with you about hysterectomy.”

It Comes Down to Money

Gynecologists are supposed to be the experts on female anatomy and physiology. There is an abundance of medical literature on the harms of female organ removal. So how can they not know the consequences of removing the uterus and/or ovaries? As Upton Sinclair said:

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

You can read all my articles about three of gynecology’s destructive procedures – hysterectomy, oophorectomy, endometrial ablation – here. They include citations to medical literature.

For the truth about female anatomy and the lifelong functions of the female organs, check out this video:

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Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay.

WS has a passion for educating women (and men) about the overuse and harm caused by gynecologic procedures. She also wants to raise awareness that health care has evolved from being patient centered to being profit and quota driven. This paradigm shift is responsible for excessive unnecessary testing and over-treatment which is not only costly but can cause more harm than good.


  1. I used to run a mile three times a week until one day I just lost my ability to walk because I was so dizzy. I had to fight for my life for that entire year in 2019. I was in a wheelchair and got kicked out of hospitals and left two hematologists because they did not agree that I was anemic. Well, I was anemic because I had fibroids and the fibroids were killing me. Finally in 2020, I go to a female gyn who tells me I need an ablation. But all of a sudden, she was no longer at the practice and I was passed to a male doctor who had a nurse tell me I was getting a hysterectomy. Mind you, I was taking 210mg of iron every other day and 100mgs on the off day just to have enough strength to walk so I was pretty desperate. He tells me that I can keep one ovary, but I said, just take them both. I said this because I had read all the papers and brochures and asked questions but NOONE ever told me that I had to be on meds for the rest of my life or that I would have any increased risks or complications post surgery. It was sold to me like I’d be free of my period and my husband and I would live our lives in bliss and you know, basically, I expected my life to be the same with some annoying hot flashes that would eventually go away. Who knew that PADS could still be in my future EVERY DAY instead of one week a month. I’d rather menstruate! Well, they lied. The fact is that any woman who still has her ovaries, just has a slower death than mine, but she has still been duped even if she doesn’t know it yet. Why didn’t they tell me about all my options? Why didn’t they talk about all the different types of hysterectomies? They’re not one-size-fits-all. I won’t begin to list all the things that went south from head to toe, but I certainly know that the heart attack and stroke risk is now an ever present danger because I feel the warning signs. I hate it. I was athletic! I played soccer in my 30’s. I LIKE GARDENING AND MOWING THE LAWN and was thinking about having a small farm. And what the heck is this junk about not being able to lift more than 5lbs. for the rest of my life? Did they forget that I might want to carry my grandchildren? They have robbed me blind and now I’m bound to take meds unless I get a miracle. The crazy thing is, I NEVER realized HRT was mandatory until my hormones hit zero and I was suffering so badly during the pandemic. The HRT pitch was optional and not mentioned until after surgery.. Mandatory meds are a lot of money and doctor visits that I never wanted in my life. I used to look 15 years younger than my age. Gone. I trusted that they would treat me better. Doctor/patient trust. I never thought they would deceive me. Thank God you wrote this blog. I’ve been to hystersisters, and it seems like a bunch of fluff to me. So now my days rock between emotions. I can’t even find anything about post-radical/or total hysterectomy workouts that can take me beyond wimpy sets. I feel like I’m living to try not to die. Woo! Pray for me.

  2. My friend tells me after her hysterectomy she enjoys sex better, but if this long list of CONS is true, then she’s lying.

  3. I hope someone can help me here. I’m 48 have a history of endometriosis and fibroids I had surgeries for both. I also have ovarian cysts. I do not have pain anymore but I do have issues with severe anemia. I had a blood transfusion 3 years ago no heaving bleeding and one 12 years before that due to heavy bleeding because of fibroids. I now have the anemia again but I am going through menapause and when I get periods they aren’t that heavy at least not for long. I went to a gyno. My uterus is enlarged to 23 cm. I asked if this is contributing to my anemia. I explained no pain, and not much bleeding. He thought is could possibly contribute but said a hysterectomy is up to me. My question is does an enlarged uterus and probable fibroids take blood supply? For 3 years I was fine. My hemaglobin went down really fast over 3 weeks. I havent had a period in 2.5 months. I’m just trying to understand. I don’t want a hysterectomy. I have fought other doctors forcing to get one. Do you know about anemia and the uterus?

    • Andrea, I’m sorry you are dealing with this. There are a number of causes of low hemoglobin. And some people’s hemoglobin just tends to run low. Two of the more common causes are hypothyroidism and iron deficiency.

      Have you seen a primary care doctor about it?

      Good for you for refusing hysterectomy! Sounds like you are almost over having to face the incessant drive to rob you of your uterus!

      If you find out the cause of the anemia, post back and let us know.

  4. I made a comment earlier, but don’t see it posted. Not sure if comments go thru a screening filter first or not, but this is kind of an addition to my previous comment. I didn’t want to put my name and put Mama Missy but maybe that’s why it didn’t post. The clinic I am going to for help with “female issues” is a Medicaid program and has it’s own low income clinic program too for those without Medicaid. They use residents from a local college. You never see the attending doctor in charge of overseeing the residents. The residents, who all look to be 25-28yr old range, disappear from the room to talk over your case with the “mystery ‘experienced’ staff doctor” whom you are not important enough to ever get to actually meet or see or talk to. The resident comes back and explains what the dr overseeing them says based off what the resident has told him about your case. And because they constantly rotate, when you have an appointment, you never see the same resident, just whoever is there that particular day. The same way with the surgeon. You don’t even know the doctor’s name who will do the surgery until your pre-op appointment 2wks prior; and, it may not even be him. Just whoever is there available the day of your surgery. I want to know if it is true that before finishing their residency, there is a certain amount of hysterecomy procedures the resident must perform? I also want to know what information you have about the success rate of Myomectomy (fibroidectomy)?? This was not mentioned or offered to me by any dr I saw. I tried to ask about it, but was told my fibroids were embedded too far in the uterine walls, and being both inside and outside the uterus, they would remove so much of the utetus digging them out, I was not a candidate. Also, do you have information about Uterine Fibroid Embolization, and it’s success as an alternative in preventing hysterectomy for uterine fibroids. I have 6 large fibroids that are visible on ultrasound, the largest 10cm, smallest 3-7cm, so size comparison ranging from large orange size to golf ball size, both inside and outside the uterus. If there are more, they wouldn’t be able to see them until “going in”. They ultrasound tech described my ovaries as “beautiful” so seems to be no visible issues there from ultrasound. I was diagnosed with endometriosis and retroverted uterus very early, about 21yrs old, still had two children back to back, 13 months apart, then had a laparoscopy and uterine suspension at 25 with removal of cycts from my ovaries, scar tissue and ahesions removed. Now 20yrs later fibroids causing havoc on my body. Chronic pain, frequent urination, enlarged uterus, distended abdomen, severe bleeding during menstruation, compressed veins that cause swelling in legs and feet, all the symptoms of a 7 month pregnacy, plus resulting depression, looking and feeling pregnant when you’re not. It’s like creepy aliens growing inside you. Any advice is appreciated. Scared to death of hysterectomy. I will be 45 in a couple of months. Had even planned on a tubal reversal to try for a late in life baby, but both time and my body has betrayed me. I wonder, is there ever a time to just give up on trying to save your uterus?? Please do not publish my name.

    • Mama Missy – Hopefully, you can see my reply to your previous comment. I’m not going to repeat what I said there so please be sure to read it. Comments don’t post immediately which is why you did not see your post. It had nothing to do with the name you used. 🙂

      Wow, I was not aware that’s how clinics operate under Medicaid. However, I am not a bit surprised because, YES, residents are required to do a minimum number of hysterectomies. It is currently 70 but was recently increased to 85 (which I believe is effective in 2019). It’s shocking that a patient won’t know who will be doing their surgery (called ghost surgery). That in itself is a reason not to go into the operating room, in my opinion. But there may be some ways around this. I’m not familiar with appeals under Medicaid to switch to a non-teaching hospital and/or a “full” surgeon who does myomectomies if that is an option in your situation. I had surgery at a teaching hospital that I did not realize was a teaching hospital (Mercy) until the day of surgery when I was in pre-op and sedation already started. I never saw my ob/gyn who was supposed to do the surgery. I suspect the residents (a first and fourth year) did the surgery but I have no proof as the operative report was signed by my ob/gyn.

      Have you gotten copies of your medical records including the ultrasounds that describe your fibroids? The non-profit HERS Foundation may be able to help you understand your options. They do have a bit of info on their website about fibroids, endometriosis (hysterectomy is not a cure) as well as other treatments and provide consultations. Other procedures such as Uterine Fibroid Embolization and ablation have risks. It’s possible you could be close to menopause when the fibroids will shrink. The problem with hysterectomy is that it trades one set of temporary problems for a whole new set of permanent and progressive problems.

      Please post back so I know you saw my replies. Thanks and I wish you the best in getting help.

  5. Wow! What an excellent article and rebuttal to that Ob/Gyn! As a person who was scheduled to have this unnecessary procedure and as a friend to several who have had it done and witnessed their subsequent decline in health and quality if life, I have you to thank for saving my life. I am eternally grateful to you. You are my hero. Thank you for spreading awareness of these atrocities on women. The ill effects of this horrific practice of robbing women of their health and wellness through hysterectomy for profit are far reaching, destroying families and relationships. I’m grateful to have been spared and may your work in saving countless others continue.

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