A report from Denmark receiving a lot of press lately indicates a connection between the use of NSAID painkillers and an increased
MoreWhen we enter professional life, we are taught to present only the parts of ourselves that represent our professional accomplishments. In our
MoreMigraine, Diet, and Thiamine
In US population studies, the prevalence of migraine is approximately 18% in women and 6% in men. About 90% of sufferers have
MoreThe Thiamine Book: What Reviewers Say
Since releasing our book: “Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition,” we have received many positive reviews. Here are what the readers say.
MoreThis book by Lonsdale D, and Marrs C, is available on Amazon books. It is published by Elsevier. Written particularly for physicians
MoreAllergic Reactions or Iatrogenic Illness?
Allergic Reactions versus Toxicity SyndromesWhen I was twenty, I had an allergic reaction to a sulfa antibiotic. I broke out in itchy
MoreThiamine and Heart Function
Since there are many posts on this website about thiamine, it is entirely possible that some readers will regard it as being
MoreHysterectomy: Greed and Ignorance Reign
Hysterectomies and C-sections are two of the most overused surgeries. One in three women has a hysterectomy by age 60 and about