Let Food Be MedicineAt the risk of repeating myself too much as in former pages of this website, I want to return
MoreWhat if we are wrong? Such a simple question, but one that seems all but absent in modern medicine. Patients, particularly women,
MorePodcast Alert!
Yes, I have been talking about thiamine again. This time with Dr. Kurt Woeller, as part of his series: Functional Medicine Doc
MoreMammography Screening – When an Educated Consumer Is Not the Best Customer
The purpose of preventive mammography screening is to diagnose breast cancers that would result in death at an early stage, thereby decreasing
MoreOften Injured, Rarely Treated: Tailbone Misalignment
Chronic lower back discomfort. Stiff neck. Pelvic floor dysfunction such as pain with intercourse or urinary incontinence. Inability to sit squarely or
MoreAdverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): We’re ALL at Risk
I’m lying in my bed, with my arms and legs straight out. I figured out pretty fast that any stress whatsoever on
MoreAnatomy of the HeartAs everyone knows, the human heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers are the atria and the two
MoreTangled Ribbons, Tangled Lives
Awareness ribbons looped on lapels. Around trees. Through chain-link fences. Yellow for missing children and bone cancer. Red for heart disease and