...disease, because thiamine sits astride the vital initiation of energy synthesis. Thiamine deficiency interferes with carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, but is
MoreADHD, Sugar, and Thiamine
...more sophisticated. Thiamine and magnesium act as “spark plugs” by uniting the glucose with oxygen. If the food consists of too many
MoreBeriberi: The Great Imitator
...of thiamine deficient pigeon brain cells, compared with cells that were thiamine sufficient, until glucose (sugar) was added. Peters called the failure
More...to drive daily function is not being met. Thiamine activates the most important enzyme in energy synthesis and, in the early stages
More...was not being absorbed into the cells that needed it. Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD: Lipothiamine, a derivative of thiamine that is absorbed
MoreMetronidazole: The New Mitochondrial Nightmare
...there are several versions of thiamine to pick from; thiamine mononitrate and thiamine HCL are readily available at pharmacies and health food
More...within this system is that this part of the brain is highly sensitive to a deficiency of thiamine, illustrated by the following
More...showed that allithiamine, the thiamine derivative had a much more potent biologic effect in animals than the thiamine from which it was