...both POTS and Ehrlers Danlos syndrome are examples of a complex of conditions that come under the heading of dysautonomia. The trouble
MoreIt All Comes Down to Energy
...with no suggestion that the dysautonomia is part of that disease. More recently, there is increasing evidence that dysautonomia is a feature
More...of patients with cancer at Mayo Clinic (34). Dysautonomia and Thiamine Deficiency Evidence has been presented that a common connection exists between
More...Inefficient Brain Oxidation, Dysautonomia, and Thiamine One of the earliest signs of thiamine deficiency is abnormal activity of the autonomic nervous system,
MoreSugar Intake and Thiamine
...of energy deficiency dependent on the severity of the deficiency and its cellular distribution. Thiamine Deficiency and Dysautonomia One of the important
More...deficiency. Weight Loss Severe weight and stature increase (failure to thrive), is a signature finding in familial dysautonomia, a genetically determined disease.
MoreEndometriosis, Lupron, and Fluoroquinolones: A Recipe for Autonomic Disintegration
...lost hearing in my right ear, have Sjögren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s, adrenal insufficiency, hypokalemia, electrolyte imbalances, IBS, MCS, Ocular migraines and recently, have
MoreNavigating Thiamine Supplements
...to be heard away & it has never come back. He drooled constantly after the keto experiment. We finally found out about