...drug may just be a "stress" factor that added more complexity to an already damaged biochemical status. Derrick Lonsdale MD.FACN.CNS. Peggy Billings
More...of a factor. Dr. Boles explains: “In some cases it’s a clear mitochondrial disorder, they have multiple other manifestations and it drives
More...yoga, after that sauna and take a cold shower 3 times a weak and spend 2 months a year in the sun
MoreIt Wasn’t By Choice: Dysautonomia
...and I'm sticking to it. Highest Personal Regards, Dr. Aranda Dr. Margaret Aranda To Derrick Lonsdale, I appreciate your comments regarding the
More...week after her due date. Hope that helps! Derrick Lonsdale A late American Ob/Gyn found that starting 100 mg of thiamine in
More...[34]." Do take a look at this paper if you have time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5343866/ Derrick Lonsdale Doris does not say anything about thiamine
More...a cause for their illnesses. God Bless Melissa Become a vegan? That was a joke, right? Derrick Lonsdale Oxalate is an end
MoreHealing Our Daughter, Healing Ourselves
Derrick Lonsdale MD, FACN, CNS There are 2 major clues: elevated B12 and low creatinine. This strongly suggests thiamine and magnesium as