...in a reciprocal pattern in a highly technical relationship in cell membranes Derrick Lonsdale One dose a day paul keenan Dr Lonsdale:
More...Derrick Lonsdale No problem; it is nearly as important as thiamine, but thiamine deficiency seems to be easy to acquire and is
More...so much for all you do! --Erin Derrick Lonsdale Your question a very important. I will try to answer each. 1. Metronidazole
More...to rectify the serotonin deficiency? Derrick Lonsdale I believe that it is megadose thiamine that is needed. Bob Gibson https://youtu.be/ZF1BuPjny_E Laurie Dr
MoreWhat Constitutes Disease?
...it is correct? Best Regards, Nathan Chandler Marrs, PhD Dr. Lonsdale passed away in May. https://hormonesmatter.com/in-memoriam-dr-derrick-lonsdale/ As far as quantifiable evidence, we
More...of a standard B complex has led to an exacerbation of anxiety and agitation. Perhaps a healing paradox that you have mentioned?
More...Derrick Lonsdale I would suggest a well-rounded multivitamin Derrick Lonsdale I would suggest a well-rounded multivitamin only Derrick Lonsdale See above Damaris
MoreUnexplained New Onset Fatigue and Other Symptoms
...nearest to the patient's address. Derrick Lonsdale It is interesting that appendicitis is a stress induced disease and fatigue is the hallmark