Derrick Lonsdale Kelly has told an extraordinary story. Her perceptiveness and refusal to give up were the two factors that brought her
MoreDerrick Lonsdale What an incredible story! Your symptoms are those of a severe energy failure in the lower part of the brain.
More...studies of pesticides on human health, concluding that all classes of pesticides are linked to serious harm to humans. Derrick Lonsdale
MoreThiamine and the Microbiome dependent on pH, (indicating an alkaline or acid medium)." Derrick Lonsdale Question incompehensible Darius Hi Dr Lonsdale, I was wondering if
MoreCOVID-19 Encephalitis
Tim Lundeen Adequate selenium status prevents coronavirus infection: Derrick Lonsdale I MUST make a comment on my own post. There are
MoreSevere Gut Dysbiosis, MCAS, and Oral Lichen Planus
...should listen to Dr. Lonsdale about the nutritional IVs. While the Lonsdale/Marrs book is very expensive, Dr. Lonsdale has a couple of
More...dietician as part of my multidisciplinary team that also keeps these recommendations as part of my current plan tailored to my current write previously as a result of Gilbert’s syndrome,may be implementation of reduced Glutathione can be also reasonable move?Once again highly appreciative