A Memorial Day Tribute to Our WW II Veterans


Everything I need to know about patriotism and self sacrifice, I learned from four World War II veterans at my local Starbucks. I joined these men for coffee nearly every morning for three years, listening to their war stories daily. Some stories made me cry; others made me cringe; all of them made me bow my head in deep awe and respect.

I met retired Marine Corps Colonel Vern Sylvester – the commandant of the coffee klatch – on a Valentine’s Day. As I came in for my morning jolt, Vern gave me a rose. Vern had an established Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day tradition of offering a long stem rose to every woman who entered the store. He did this, he said, because he liked to make people smile and, I suspect, because he had a fondness for the ladies. I joined the gathering of veterans that first morning while I waited for my drink. And before long, this history buff was a fixture at the table.

Vern also initiated a Marine Corps birthday party at Starbucks. Each year on the November 10, Vern arrived with a full sheet cake emblazoned with the Marine Corps’ insignia. He would read the Commandant’s letter, then we’d all sing the Marine Corps Hymn (each and every verse), and finally Vern would cut the cake with a WW I government issued sword and pass out slices to any and all passersby.

During one of those birthday celebrations, I remember Vern sharing the story of the 5th Marine Regiment’s bloody offensive of November 10, 1918, just hours before the WWI armistice was signed. Vern knew the story well; his father was one of the lucky ones to have survived the battle.

Sam Miller a retired US Navy Commander, was also a klatch regular. Sam flew spy missions in airships, and rescue missions in sea planes during his 40-year military career, and was one of the first pilots to land on an aircraft carrier.

Jim Durant was a proud Marine aviator who earned his nickname “the whale killer” for mistaking two blue whales for Japanese subs during the Pacific campaign. One Veteran’s Day, a few years back, two elementary teachers came in early and decorated the Starbucks with patriotic center pieces, streamers, student-made dioramas, and letters of gratitude. Durant was moved to tears and commented that the occasion made all his years of service worthwhile.

Bill Fournier, a retired Marine Corps Captain, was an aviator in the same squadron as Ted Williams and John Glenn during the Korean War.

Other regular members of the klatch included Larry Kropf, USA, Sgt., Ret.; Barry Madison, USN, Petty Officer 1st Class, Ret.; and Christy-Anna Pohlmann, USN, Corpsman 3rd Class, and a host of other civies like myself.

I am profoundly grateful to have learned an important era of this nation’s history from those who like Vern, Sam, Jim and Bill made it out alive. These men parachuted behind enemy lines, charged onto sandy beaches as bullets whizzed by, liberated countries from a totalitarian grip.

Sadly, we lost Jim, Sam, and Vern recently. Once 16 million strong, U.S. veterans of World War II are dying at a rate of more than 1,000 a day. If you know one, visit him or her and, like I did, hang out for a cup of coffee. You’ll most likely be treated to an oral history lesson that will not only change  your perspective on what’s of value in this life, but also your understanding of the word hero.

Happy Memorial Day.

Amy Roost’s passion is public health and policy. She earned a BA in political science from George Washington University and an MA in International Affairs from Columbia University in New York. Amy has worked as a press aide for Charles Percy, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and many non-profit organizations. She served as the Executive Director of the Chaparral Educational Foundation, the Del Mar Schools Foundation and The Thriver’s Network. In 2006, she founded Co-optimize, a business assisting independent bookstores across the country with various business services. She has spent the past several years developing and marketing the company’s proprietary software. Presently, Amy is moving in the direction of social entrepreneurship. As a blogger and marketing strategist, she hopes to speak for others whose voices are not yet being heard in the policy and research arenas.


  1. Dear Doug,

    You picked a great hero.

    Sam and I didn’t agree on very much politically, but I loved him dearly. When my son had brain surgery a few years ago, Sam wrote me what follows. I think it speaks volumes about the kind (and kind) of person he was:

    Amy: Thank you for the detailed update on Stuart. I do believe in prayer. I do not use the fire engine approach and sound off when needed. I pray within myself. I am convinced that prayer pulled me from the brink several times in my journeys. I carried a St Christopher’s medal all thru my flying days out West. That was a consoling addition to my uniform. It hangs on my dogtags in my den today.
    So allow me- May the Good Lord bless him, guide him and see him thru this perilous journey. I am sure he has something to offer our society and he will heal and come out successfully. I reverently pray that he does.
    Hang in their Mother. You are an integral part of this episode. He will need your touch, love and attention more than at any other time.
    May your patience prevail. Sam

  2. Sam Miller was my great uncle. I very fondly remember listening to his stories at family reunions, and visiting him and his family in San Diego when I was young. Sam was definitely one of my childhood heroes, and he was clearly my dad’s favorite uncle.

    It was a treat running across your blog post and reading about your interactions with Sam. Thanks for writing and for the time you spent with Sam and his fellow veterans.

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