I’m a Lupron Teen


My name is Sydney and I am 18 years old. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2011 at the age of 16. After much trial and error with medications to treat my Endo I turned to the Lupron shot with Add-back therapy, which means every three months I go and get a shot into my back side and everyday I take a pill called Norethindrone.

My first Lupron shot was nerve racking. I left the hospital in a wheelchair because I was feeling faint after the huge needle was placed in my butt. I started feeling weird side effects, like hot flashes, dryness, night sweats; you know, normal things all teenage girls go through during menopause. The only woman I knew who had ever gone through menopause was my grandma, so I talked to her.  I bought an organic hot flash spray, and I opened the window at night.

I was really upset and depressed when all this was happening, but I was open about it. I talked about it with everyone; my mom, boyfriend, even my dad. I explained to everyone that I needed support and kindness during this time. I asked them to be patient with me as this was difficult for me to handle. They were so good about it, the most supportive they have ever been. Soon my side-effects subsided and it was time for my next shot, which went much smoother.  No wheelchair and fewer side-effects and still lots of support !

After my third shot I was given a bone density test to make sure I could still get the shot without it effecting my bones (another side effect) and I passed ! I have now been on the shot for over a year and I am so satisfied. My pain is so well controlled and I experience minimal side effects. Lupron is hard at first. It takes time for your body to adjust. It’s not right for everyone but it seems to be working for me.

Participate in Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Lupron. If you have taken Lupron, please take this important survey. The Lupron Side Effects Survey.

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