hysterectomy secret - figure changes

Hysterectomy’s Best Kept Secret: Figure Changes


There are many misconceptions about the after effects of hysterectomy. There are a number of reasons for this. First and foremost, gynecologists are not honest with women. They present hysterectomy as merely the end of our ability to have children. A bonus is no more periods. Secondly, their professional society, ACOG, has a lot of influence on government and the media. Therefore, much of the information women find also misrepresents hysterectomy as benign. And last, but not least, most hysterectomized women fail to share the after effects. So it is no wonder secrecy abounds.

Over the years, I have written about many of the deleterious after effects of hysterectomy here, here, and here. Read the comments on any of these articles and see the thousands of women who have suffered. Among the least well recognized of these effects, however, are the figure changes that develop post-hysterectomy; changes that are related to both the anatomical effects of the surgery itself and the hormonal decline that ensues. Figure changes are hysterectomy’s best kept secret.

How Hysterectomy Changes a Woman’s Figure

How does hysterectomy change a woman’s figure? The “bands” (medically known as “ligaments”) that suspend the uterus are also the support structures for our midsection. They keep the spine, hips, and rib cage where they belong. The severing of these ligaments causes our entire torso to collapse. The hips widen, the spine collapses, and the rib cage drops onto the hip bones. This causes a shortened and thickened midsection, protruding belly, and a loss of the curve in our lower backs.

These unnatural changes lead to back and hip problems, loss of mobility, poor circulation in extremities, and chronic pain. Nerve injuries are another source of pain and loss of mobility. “Hysterectomy cripple” is a term from an old gynecology textbook that reverberates in my head. Two of my articles and readers’ comments on this best kept secret can be found here and here. Some women also talk about these changes here.

Other Harms of Hysterectomy

The uterus is essential for a woman’s whole life to keep her healthy. So are the ovaries. And the Fallopian tubes. We were not made to be disassembled. Studies prove it. Yet gynecologists continue to treat the female sex organs as disposable.

Although hysterectomy’s best kept secret is figure changes, there are a number of other harms. Hysterectomy’s effects on the bladder and bowel are explained here. Many women report sexual dysfunction including loss of desire. Feelings of emotional emptiness are common. So is chronic fatigue. Even the ovaries (vital endocrine glands) don’t escape unscathed. Their impaired function causes a whole other set of problems related to the diminished supply of vital hormones. For many, these life altering changes cause break-ups of romantic relationships and families. The effects can also end careers leading to financial hardship and shattered lives. The societal effects are far-reaching.

It is one thing to have cancer and have to live with these trade-offs. But over 90% of these surgeries are unnecessary since less than 8% are done for cancer.

Why Do We Not Know About the Figure Changes?

How can we not know that hysterectomy causes figure changes? Shouldn’t we have noticed this in women who had hysterectomies? Yes and no. Women gain an average of 25 lbs. in the first year after hysterectomy according to the HERS Foundation. That can certainly mask figure changes. Not only that, the torso collapses gradually so is not immediately discernible. And women tend to dress differently in an attempt to hide their altered figures. For women we didn’t know before their hysterectomies, we have no “before” view. Conversely, how much does any woman really critique other women’s bodies anyway? Not so much. Nor can we count on women to divulge these changes just as they fail to share other effects. Proof of this association does not require studies as it is evident from diagrams of the female anatomy. Hence, the reason hysterectomy’s best kept secret is figure changes.

So Much Despair

I had a hysterectomy 13 years ago at age 49. The effects were immediate and severe – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I never could have imagined that a person could age so quickly or feel that their very heart and soul were ripped out! You can read my story here. I quickly realized that my gynecologist of 20 years was dishonest about the consequences. And my medical records show that he also lied about my diagnosis and treatment options.

The changes to my figure amplify the despair that has plagued me since that fateful day. Like the author of the book Misinformed Consent, I cannot bear to look at myself in the mirror. And I shudder to think how much more height I will lose from my already small frame. Even more unsettling is the recent onset of hip and leg pain and midsection discomfort. I fear that reduced blood flow is causing my hip joint to deteriorate (known as “avascular necrosis” or “osteonecrosis”). I know some hysterectomized women who had hip replacements in their 40s or 50s for this reason. Great… more worries about my future health. The thought of any medical treatment, especially surgery, terrifies me!

The Harm of Female Organ Removal

There is long-standing evidence of the harms of female organ removal. Yet, nothing is being done to stop the abuse. It affects almost half of U.S. women. The states’ medical boards don’t care, and neither do legislators. Even women’s health organizations don’t care. Their platform is “reproductive choice.” I guess I was naive to think any of them would care. Then along came the #MeToo movement. I thought this was our opening to make our voices heard. But no. People don’t seem to view this as a form of sexual abuse or harassment. Evidently, perpetrators of surgical crimes against women get a free pass.

The ACOG works hard lobbying Congress and the media to keep it that way. One only need look at the Advocacy menu on their website. Hysterectomy is a big money maker. So maximizing these surgeries and denying the harm is in gynecologists’ best interest. The recent increase in resident minimum requirements from 70 hysterectomies to 85 is evidence of this. There is no training for myomectomy, or removal of fibroids, despite fibroids being a common reason for a hysterectomy. A gynecologist petitioned the ACOG to mandate myomectomy training, to make this uterine-sparing option more accessible. The ACOG rejected his petition. Clearly, the Ob/Gyn specialty puts profits before women’s health.

One has to question why insurance companies continue to authorize and pay for so many unwarranted hysterectomies. What documentation are gynecologists submitting to get these authorizations? My insurance company refused to divulge what my gynecologist submitted to get authorization. I had an ovarian cyst yet my medical records show authorization for a “hysterectomy.” There was absolutely nothing wrong with my uterus or other ovary as proven by pre-op imaging and post-op pathology. He should have removed only the cyst.

Protect Yourself

Don’t allow yourself to be deceived or bullied by a gynecologist. If you do go into an operating room, protect yourself. Modify the consent form to explicitly state what can and cannot be done and removed. Have the surgeon(s) sign off on all revisions.

You certainly don’t want to endure a hysterectomy’s figure changes or any of the other negative effects. The HERS Foundation and Ovaries for Life are good resources for understanding the lifelong importance of the female organs.

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Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay.

This article was published originally on June 13, 2019. 

WS has a passion for educating women (and men) about the overuse and harm caused by gynecologic procedures. She also wants to raise awareness that health care has evolved from being patient centered to being profit and quota driven. This paradigm shift is responsible for excessive unnecessary testing and over-treatment which is not only costly but can cause more harm than good.


  1. This article should be taken down. It is fear mongering and misinformation. The removal of the uterus will not cause the ribcage to drop, the spine to collapse, etc. The author of this article also went on record stating her bias against the surgery. I myself am one year p/o and have not experienced any of this. Please don’t buy into this nonsense.

  2. I had endometrial cancer so my hysterectomy was life saving. No changes to my body either. Sound like you went through sudden menopause which I’ve heard can be awful without HRT to help ease the transition. I don’t think our female organs do a woman much good after 60 which is when most gynecological cancer occur. I had robot assisted laparoscopic surgery. Minimal pain and quick recovery. Bladder spasms were more of an issue. I’ll take it over cancer any day.

    • Nancy, if you truly had cancer your hysterectomy was necessary, but I00% disagree with your comment: “I don’t think our female organs do a woman much good after 60 which is when most gynecological cancer occur.” It sounds like what a gynaecologist would say…

  3. From looking at the medical websites, it appears that there is not much research on the long term effects of hysterectomies. Not surprising: women’s medical issues have often been ignored. My own experience was that after being diagnosed with probable ovarian cancer (they don’t know for sure until after surgery), I saw two surgeons. The first went through a lengthy discussion with me that was basically what he’d do if he found various things during surgery. I made clear to him that I didn’t want a hysterectomy unless it appeared that cancer had spread to the uterus. Then he produced a form for me to sign that summarized our discussion as “hysterectomy “! So I went to another surgeon who agreed to my terms. There was no evidence that the cancer had spread to my uterus, so no hysterectomy. Hurrah! My ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed. I had already been doing intravenous vitamin c therapy and intensive homeopathy (Ramakrishnan method). I refused chemotherapy. Today I am two years into remission from the ovarian cancer, have my uterus, and feel great at age 68.

  4. I had a myomectomy 10 years ago and 3 c-sections but the fibroids returned. The pain, my inability to walk and sleep eventually led me to be diagnosed with type 1 hypertension. After the removal of the fibroids which weighed over a kilo, the pain was unbearable after 7 weeks of having the surgery. I feel tired all of the time, bowels not returned to normal even though I take in lots of fluids, and try to eat my 5 a day. I have abdominal pain and pain in my legs.
    I have not regretted having the surgery. I have a routine that I follow after the school run. I listen to my favorite music, watch shows such as ‘pointless’ ‘mock of the week’, ‘I have got news for you’, (UK)read books, spend time with family and keep in touch with my close friends. My positive attitude to life has helped me to cope with the pain and look forward to return to work as soon as I feel ready. Everyone experience is different and it is okay, as we are all unique

    • My sister found this site and is contemplating the same hysterectomy I had. I have had none of the adverse effects listed in this 4 years post hysterectomy. Best thing I’ve ever done as I had already had large (5lbs ea) fibroid surgery, and then unusual presentations of extremely enlarged & problematic uterus. I’m 5’10” 150 lbs & very athletic. Periods lasted 3 weeks- the whole month and ruined my life. I was not tolerant of any medications or hormones to change that. They left one ovary and had the surgery 4 years ago. I’m 47 now and not on any hormones. No menopause symptoms yet! Waiting 6 years for the hysterectomy was too long. Ruined my relationships and work ability as I wasn’t functional. I’ve not experienced any shift except my lower stomach is flatter and more proportionate.
      I consulted with two gynos who said to wait and see, (what a mess) and finally went back to the third opinion who is the head of a major hospitals ob/gym dept. who agreed this is no way to live. Best thing I’ve ever done.

  5. I know a lot of people who’ve had this surgery and I haven’t seen any change. If you can, keep the ovaries because that is the biggest change in hormones. Many women I see are a bit older here and I’d get a complete CBC and metabolic screen before looking too into the hysterectomy thing. I, myself, have uterine cancer that’s spread and I notice no difference. My height was still the same, weight actually improved (especially since I have Hashimoto’s), so just look into other things before you blame a hysterectomy.

    • I feel the doctor just mentions that hysterectomy changes one ‘s figure and does not mention that you were already disfigured by fibroids looking 6 months pregnant , and does not mention the horrible suffirings you had before hysterectomy.
      Hysterectomy liberates us

  6. Hello ,
    I so greatly appreciate this article, I have experienced severe depression, chronic fatigue, decreased libido, rapid aging that’s almost unbearable, I would like to know what’s the solution to the aging skin especially on my face , I had always looked so young before the hysterectomy , Is there a solution , what can I do to reverse or improve the appearance?

  7. Your situation may be more severe than others, I totally agree with the article based on my own experience. I have fibroids for several years that have me looking like I am 7 months pregnant, plus all the the other discomfort and issues, but I do not have cancer and I would rather have the fibroids remove rather than having an hysterectomy, I’ve seen 4 different gynecologists and all of them refused to remove the fibroids because their only interest is doing a complete hysterectomy and I refused because I do not feel the necessity to remove everything, once you have such procedure done there is no way your body will ever function the way it was intended to or even close to it.
    I sincerely thank the writer for the article, most females are not honest to tell the truth after the procedure, so this writer shed light on a very important topic.

    • Hi everyone, I was about to have a hysterectomy but delayed it as I was not sure. I am grateful to come across your website to enlighten us on many important things I never knew. Would you please help me decide what to do and what treatments are better long term? My doc suggested hysterectomy right away as I do not plan on having kids. am 43yrs.
      My uterus on ultrasound showed 17cm but MRI pelvis shows 15.5 cmx12.2 x12.4. I have 3 big fibroids. One Intramural uterine fundus 9.4cm, one submucosal intramural 8cm and one Subserosal on right measuring 4.2cm.
      My left ovary is 22cm with involuting physiological cyst.
      Fluid filled both adnexa suggesting BILATERAL HYDROSALPINGES and small volume of pelvic ASCITES.
      mild disc denergartion with posterior bulge. small SCLEROTIC LESIONS.
      please help me chose a right treatment.

      • I just had a hysterectomy on 12/12/22 and am 44 y/o. Children are not an option for me at this age, but I was also hesitant to remove my uterus and wanted to know the pros and cons, not just the pros and not just the cons. I had my uterus, cervix, and falopian tubes removed, while keeping my ovaries. I was back to work in 2 weeks, and fully recovered in 6 weeks. There has been no change in my mood, weight, body structure, etc. Before you opt to disregard a recommendation from your gyno, ask them if they can do a radio frequency ablation (cauterize the uterine lining) or remove any of the fibroids causing you the most issue. If you do not have any symptoms as a result of their findings, then a hysterectomy would not typically be recommended or approved by insurance. If you have a condition called Adenomyosis, (like endometriosis, but inside the uterus rather than outside it) removal of the fibroids is not practical, and doesn’t get to the root of the problem, which is uterine lining growing into the muscle causing heavy bleeding. If you are bleeding heavily, due to any condition, you may be able to take a medication called Tranexamic Acid (Brand name: Lysteda). This was used to prevent or lessen the breakdown of clots, which results in a lighter period. It is taken 2 pills 3x daily for 5 days, then the rest of the month you aren’t taking it. This is a good option if you don’t want to take hormones or birth control pills, which are not recommended for people in their 40’s anyhow. I took Lysteda while I awaited my surgery, to control heavy blood loss, and it was a life life saver, as I had spent a week in ICU getting blood transfusions after getting a hemoglobin test result of 4.2 and almost dying from anemia. It can be taken long term, if the only issue is heavy bleeding and you’re not experiencing pain otherwise. But if you are in pain and experiencing a diminished quality of life as a result, really take the time to consider your doctors recommendation as a viable option. Explore your more conservative options before making a decision. If you don’t have cancer, and you’re not suffering from debilitating blood loss or pain, then you have some time to think about what is right for you. If there’s any risk of cancer or family history, I would recommend following your gynos directives without hesitation or delay. I found out I had cancer 4 days post op, and the surgery removed it all, which was a miracle. But once you go through with it, you can’t change your mind, so talk to your doctor, other people who’ve had the procedure, and read as much as you can on the pros and cons, so you can make a well rounded and informed decision that you can live with and won’t regret. You may feel depressed and even sad beforehand. I cried like a baby, and didn’t know why…maybe it was that in my mind, keeping my uterus meant I still had a choice to become a mother. Even though my chances would’ve been less than 5% and the risk of genetic mutations would be significant. I still, in my mind, felt like I had a choice, even if it wasn’t a choice I would act upon, I could still trick myself into believing it was still my choice and not a medical impossibility. I pushed forward anyway, and had the hysterectomy 3 months ago. I have personally never felt so amazing as I do now. I was, however, told that this surgery could trigger the onset of menopause within a year. Stats are unreliable in this area though, because most women are approaching the age of menopause on the horizon when they find themselves needing a hysterectomy anyway, so how much of that is actually due to the surgery and how much is coincidental and due to age is still debated. I could say the same would be the case regarding body shape changes. If you are approaching your 50’s you will notice some bodily changes begin, but that has little to do with the loss of your uterus and much more to do with how hormones change your bodies shape, the loss of fat in some areas while gaining in others (also age and hormone related) and becoming less curvy through the waist due to decline in estrogen levels (another hormonal change). Hysterectomy is not going to make you a hunchback with a square body. The majority of your reproductive hormones come from your ovaries and even some from your brain, so removing your uterus and leaving your ovaries intact (even if only one of them can be salvaged), you should not experience rapid onset of menopause. Anyone who’s body begins to collapse after removal of their uterus (which should only be the size of a pear, roughly) may have other bone density or spine related issues that contribute to this, but I would not say this is across the board accurate. I work in an office full of women, many of which have also had hysterectomies and are up to 5 years post op, so I am going off of real results over a span of years. may Your ligaments and ovaries should remain intact and between your diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles, this will hold things in place. Your insides do not collapse, nor does your spine, as the uterus isn’t a very large organ as it is, so there is far less “empty space” than one would think. There are exercises you can do if it’s a concern, but I’ll tell you, I’ve lost 35lbs since surgery, I haven’t gained anything, and I’m loving not having a period any longer. I still get mild cramps when I ovulate, which is still happening like clockwork so I know that hormonally, things are still working just fine, minus the blood loss. Hopefully this helps give you some points to think about and discuss with doctors and friends that may have had this surgery as well. Best of luck, with whatever you choose!

  8. While I agree that hysterectomies shouldn’t be a first option in some cases, it definitely can be the only option in others. This site provoked fear to proceed with a hysterectomy that, to me, was medically necessary. I put it off for much too long, almost causing me to have to have a total abdominal hysterectomy instead of a much less invasive vaginal. My uterus was the size of someone who is 3.5 months pregnant and my stomach was swollen and uncomfortable every.single.day. I also lost so much blood during my periods that I was severely anemic and needed to have blood transfusions. Other options failed and by the time I had my hysterectomy I was 43, yet felt like I was 73. I had no energy to do anything and my quality of life was destroyed. I didn’t want to be photographed because of my large protruding stomach. I had chronic UTI’s because my uterus was pressing against my bladder, and I also bled so much it was hard to leave my home at all during my very long and heavy cycle. There really needs to be an in between from promoting other options to blatantly scaring women away from having this procedure done, when for many, it is medically necessary. I also think that it is quite sad that you are using false statements about the “changes in shape” that will happen as a result of a hysterectomy. I’ve experienced no changes to my overall physical appearance since having surgery but have gained my life back. Think of the many women with cancer of their reproductive organs. Is this fear mongering really what you intend to promote to someone who has no other choices? This is a beautifully put together website of medical opinion, most of your claims have been proven to be false. Anyone who does a little research beyond this page can find medical papers written that disprove these malicious claims. Furthermore, gaining your life back is much more important than your “hips changing” in appearance. I am baffled that this site is allowed to exist. What am insult to those of us that didn’t have another option!

      • I spent 2 years of my life terrible cramps, horrible attitude, out of breath walking up 1 flight of stairs, changing bloody pads and tampons for months at a time. My abdomen was so swollen I looked 6 months pregnant. I had to have blood transfusions due to anemia. I just had a total hysterectomy where they removed my 10lb fibroid filled uterus with a 3lb fibroid on top. I have surgery pain yes, but they took out that creature that was causing me so many problems. I already feel better, I can see a positive future where I don’t have to hide my stomach or worry about ruining furniture.

        I have had my kids , they are in college, I’m 47. I’m using this as a springboard to a new beginning.

        I’m glad I’m reading this article post op!

        I can’t wait to start exercising again! I feel so free and unencumbered by those nasty fibroids. No one, should have to live like that!

    • Your situation may be more severe than others, I totally agree with the article based on my own experience. I have fibroids for several years that have me looking like I am 7 months pregnant, plus all the the other discomfort and issues, but I do not have cancer and I would rather have the fibroids remove rather than having an hysterectomy, I’ve seen 4 different gynecologists and all of them refused to remove the fibroids because their only interest is doing a complete hysterectomy and I refused because I do not feel the necessity to remove everything, once you have such procedure done there is no way your body will ever function the way it was intended to or even close to it.
      I sincerely thank the writer for the article, most females are not honest to tell the truth after the procedure, so this writer shed light on a very important topic.

  9. I never wanted to remove my uterus, in fact I have been holding on to it for years. But it had gotten to a point where after been suffering with endometriosis for 21 years, and then fibroids, bulky uterus and heavy painful periods I decided to remove it. My surgery was on December 12, 2022, I was discharged yesterday. Shortly after I arrived home, I started vomiting and feeling weak. I woke up feeling better today. I am 47, muscular and toned. I was a fitness competitor and gym fanatic for 22 years. I can’t say what the pros and cons are yet as it is rather early to make an assessment.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    • Please tell me what you found as far as pro and cons . I am scheduled for full hysterectomy in 2 days I had these grand illusions that once it was all out I could start training for competition in rodeos again and maybe even some mma matches again . Plus in my mid forties and finding the perfect husband 2 yrs ago my sex life is amazing. I need to know if going thru with this surgery is a bad idea thanks in retun

  10. I had a hysterectomy about 8 months ago. I have alot more lower back pain, almost like my lower back is weak. I have also noticed that my posture seems to be getting bad. I had really good posture, but I do feel like tha abdominal wall is collapsing. So its too late for me to go back, is there anything that can be done to improve this situation?

    • Surgery itself is something to recover and rebuild from. I would say that this site is scaring people, not helping. Physical therapy is required after nearly any surgical procedure. Just one week of laying about can atrophy certain muscles, and yes they can be restrengthened. Don’t let this site get you down.

  11. I had a hysterectomy last year. I served in the military. I had a C-section, six years before I served in the military. The C-section saved my baby’s life. My periods became worse, after three years of military service. Little I had known, after my first surgery- a myomectomy- that my uterus was stuck to my abdomen. The surgery helped for about three years and it started to get worse. I had my period for 2.5 months. I kept on fighting, trying to keep my uterus. In 2016, it felt like, my insides were eaten up. in 2018. I had a fibroid embolization. It was fine for about a year and a half, and then I started getting my period for six months! It stopped for another six months. Then I had my period for 12 months, I was in the hospital four times for blood transfusions, I was so sick from blood loss. I really tried to keep my uterus, but I knew, something was terribly wrong with me! My uterus was enlarged, and I decided to get it removed. I already suffered from Chronic pain through my military service, this made it worse. I got my uterus taken out, and the doctor said, that my uterus was attached to my bladder, my colon, and my abdominal muscles! On top of it, no one told me, that one of my ovaries have been surgically removed! I know, this happened in Germany, while I was stationed there. I am fluent in German, and nothing was written in the medical report, that my ovary was removed! My OBGYN at Bethesda told me! So I am in pain and really angry, that they stole my ovary at the German hospital! At least I have one ovary left, and that helps a bit. Nevertheless, this website is helping me to understand the constant fatigue I have now, the back and joint pain, the knee pain is horrible and yes, I am looking at my hips and could not figure the life out of me, why they are wider. I have gained 21 lbs after surgery, but I also was in school. Weight gain is from hormonal changes, but also it is my responsibility what I eat and I did not exercise. I have moved to my new home since then, and I sometimes have spent 18 hours sleeping, which is affecting my life at this time. I am so exhausted. I really am glad I have found this so I can get the correct treatment for all of this! I had to get the uterus removed, I fought a good fight for a long time, but I was bleeding like a faucet and went through 15 purple overnight Always pads in seven hours! I had no other way about this, my skin was grey, my eyes hollow, I looked like death and could not breathe much.
    I left one hell, just to find something different now, but I am fighting still, even though, it has me under control, for now, I will not give up to find a way to live my life someway, somehow.
    It is a huge challenge, and yes, I am 48, when they did it- to get through this.
    Whatever information I can learn from here on out, I will use!

  12. I had a hysterectomy 13 years ago and no one warned me about possible body changes, except ‘no more periods’. However I am now a full inch shorter than I used to be. My hips are wider, torso shorter, and I’m also more prone to peripheral neuropathy.

  13. I’m 30 and just had a hysterectomy in December. I was conflicted, it did seemed pushed on me. It also seemed like a lot of people I knew all of a sudden were talking about them or needed one. I’m nervous about the back part, I have all ready had a lumbar fusion. Now I have been noticing little things. My breast hurt and are getting full. I do still have my ovaries, but any time I ask questions. They say “it’s normal” but it seemed weird that after this major surgery and all this hurry to do it. I see the dr after 2 weeks them boom, I don’t have to see one for a year.

  14. I were in s good shape before hysterectomy, I’m 49 I train daily and eat a clean diet, 90% plant based I do also some white fish and eggs. I had an hysterectomy and I went thru normal pain, I rest and took care of myself, and I’ve feeling much better since the fibroids in my uterus were really bothering. My body hasn’t changed negatively, no more than any woman hitting 50s soon. I’m still lean muscular and in shape, my mid section it’s now shorten or wider. The swollen belly last around a week, after that my abs are slowly getting back to normal. I don’t see or feel any negative harsh discouraging physical change.
    Hope other women, like me, where the hysterectomy was the best option, may go thru a positive experience and felt healthy again

    • What if your symptoms, your fibroid, woukd have responded to simple interventions, such as progesterome and making sure to get enough carbs and and protein as Katherina Dalton’s patients did?

      No trauma to the body from a surgery, you’d still have the option to becoem pregnant, etc.

    • thank God for one positive comment here. this is a terrifying post for someone to read who has uttering cancer and has to get a hysterectomy or die. I’ve heard so many great things about life after hysterectomy.

      • I’m glad for the positivity as well. The “science” on this site is not accurate. It sounds like someone went through a terrible ordeal, which is awful, but the scare tactics here are not helping anyone.

    • I am six weeks post hysterectomy, and feeling much healthier. I chose to have the surgery due for abnormal uterine bleeding. There was no cause that could be found, and I tried every option except ablation. I was anemic, depressed, and at the end of my rope. Reading websites like this one can increase fear and distress for women facing this surgery who have a true medical reason necessitating it. Yes, I have noticed some slight anatomical changes, but for me, they are not bothersome. My depression lifted several days after the surgery, and I am grateful to be able to be active again and to rejoin the human race after a full year of horrible, nearly continuous bleeding that greatly interfered with living a normal life. I am sorry that many women have had poor experiences after hysterectomy, but it is sometimes necessary.

  15. WS – I checked out some of the posts on the Reddit Hysterectomy forum per your recommendation, and am shocked by what I read. It is just INSANE that they are promoting this, and it really echoes the same tone as the sisterhood site. You would NEVER see a site with men promoting and encouraging each other to remove their sex organs. It’s just absolute insanity that women are doing this. I think part of the problem, is that women are completely uneducated on the way their sex organs work. They are just clueless on the vital role our female sex organs play throughout our entire lives. I am so grateful for the work that you do in educating women on the lifelong consequences of hysterectomy and oophorectomy (ovarian removal). Keep getting the word out! Your articles are well researched and very educational. Thank you!!!

    • Men also don’t bleed for 7 months straight, have pain while having sex and so many other problems women suffer from

  16. I made the mistake of having a hysterectomy in 2010, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. Everything that this article talks about in regards to the skeletal and anatomical changes is true! My figure has been forever altered by this barbaric surgery. I went in a size 1-2 in jeans, and I am now in a size 14. I have gained a considerable amount of weight, that is impossible to lose without those hormone producing organs that I lost, and it is truly depressing looking in the mirror. It’s almost as if I am looking at a complete stranger! It’s so hard knowing how you looked before, especially for me knowing just how attractive my figure was, and now it is completely destroyed. The chronic hip, back and rib pain seems to be getting worse over time, and my legs especially my calves feel HUGE!!! I was cut from hip to hip, and I believe that my blood circulation to my legs has been greatly compromised. My gynecologist NEVER once mentioned any of these horrific changes, and I feel very betrayed. This has altered my life considerably, to the point where my life feels utterly ruined and broken. I could just cry, knowing that I cannot go back in time….and that this is so final. My heart also breaks for all the women who are going through the same physical, mental and emotional, challenges that I am going through. I also can’t believe that there are women who are quiet about the horrific effects of this surgery, I try to warn and educate as many women as I can. We need to work together to get the word out! We could very well be saving a women’s life.

    • Crystal – I am sorry that you too were a victim of a deceitful gynecologist and are suffering the effects. It is almost incomprehensible that gynecologists continue to needlessly remove so many women’s organs causing so much harm. I am sickened by the women on some hysterectomy forums acting like it is some sort of sorority and encouraging other women to undergo hysterectomy. The Reddit hysterectomy forum seems like a clone of the sisterhood site. All of the posts, recent ones anyway, are women considering hysterectomy or those who are early post-op who think it’s the best thing. It doesn’t seem to matter what I say. Check it out. 🙁

      • Let me just say that I am so grateful to have found your site first! I went over to Reddit due to overwhelming curiosity after reading your previous reply and I must say that I am even more firm on NO THEY CAN NOT HAVE MY UTERUS! I’m keeping my body in tact. Thank you for the wealth of knowledge that you have shared. I am disgusted by some of the celebration posts over there.?

        • It has been 5 YEARS, post hysterectomy. I had severe pain in which I could only tell multiple doctors, it hurts in FRONT, BACK & Down There.
          I finally healed Down there w PELVIC THERAPY!!!!!!!!!!
          This healing has led to my FRONT pain also dissipating.
          Today, I still suffer chronic low BACK pain.
          I have been told it may be Scar Tissue. Nothing can be done except another surgery that will lead to further scar tissues?
          I’ve tried 6 Epidiral shots every year in different areas of my back.
          I’ve tried a year of Egascue Postural Therapy.
          I’ve tried Meditation.
          I’ve tried Acupuncture
          I’ve tried 5 years of PT.
          I’ve been swimming for 6 months trying to gain muscles to support my back…
          I’m on daily pain medication which only builds intolerance.
          It has become debilitating and I am medicated & homebound.
          Today I am 100% depressed, exhausted, & now ALONE!
          Thank You
          A past Marathon & Triathlete

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