Dealing With Endometriosis Naturally


In August 2016, I discovered that my endometriomas were shrinking, without surgery or traditional Western medications. I had previously had surgery a year and half before for my endometriosis, and after only 10 months, other endo lesions and cysts developed in various areas, including the bowel. I learned that endo is a chronic condition, and I couldn’t picture my life having many surgeries again.

It was pretty shocking. I was always told I was healthy, or just “aging”, until I was diagnosed with a chronic illness for which medicine can only try to suppress symptoms. The options for traditional treatment of endometriosis are medications, which all have side effects in some form or other, or surgery, which can potentially compromise organ functions and create complications through formation of scar tissue. Both methods do not address the causes of the illness and do not work to rebuild the body’s ideal health and balance.

I did my research. Bowel endo can be risky and difficult to treat. The surgery may either cause perforation of the bowel or may need to remove part of the bowel, decreasing quality of life. I looked for alternatives, and I found out I could improve my symptoms naturally, but only through some serious changes. I become hopeful, trusted in myself, and motivated more than ever.

Many say relief from endometriosis symptoms is out of our hands, but having these symptoms shows that my body is not functioning properly, otherwise my health wouldn’t be compromised. I needed to do everything necessary to help my body heal and work as it should. For instance, for years I suffered with sinus issues and only got corticosteroid spray and many rounds of antibiotics. I now know that my sinus issues were caused by inflammation, and medications deplete the gastrointestinal system, opening the way for candida and leaky gut.

So I approached my disease with many paths: diet, holistic medicine, exercise, toxin reduction and mental support.

Diet and Supplements

With the help of my naturopath, I addressed my diet. We focused on an anti-inflammatory diet overall, adding Brassicae family vegetables, fibre and flax oil to help with estrogen metabolism and clearance. We also did food sensitivity testing in order to help reduce overall inflammation. This also helped with the chronic sinus problems.

I added some supplements in a program individualized for me by my naturopath. I used probiotics to help improve my digestive health. I used a supplement called Estresense to improve estrogen metabolism through cleansing the liver, and to reduce total estrogen in order to balance this with progesterone (helping improve symptoms such as heavy and painful periods). I also used a progesterone cream: to help counter balance the effect of excess estrogen and prevent the progression of endometriosis, and to improve PMS symptoms associated with low progesterone, and excess estrogen (low moods, cramping, acne, insomnia, breast tenderness). I took B-vitamins and magnesium to help with liver metabolism, to improve PMS symptoms associated with low progesterone and excess estrogen. I used fish oils as an anti-inflammatory.

Adapting to the diet and supplements was very difficult. It took several months to understand how important it was for me, through tons of reading and personal experience, and stop grieving the food of my past life. I now do a diet similar to paleo (with only hormone free sources of proteins and mostly organic and unprocessed food ), as most of my food intolerances are important sources of protein in a vegan diet, like beans, nuts and seeds. Indeed, I felt even sicker when once trying the China Study diet, a vegan diet.

A doctor suggested, a great website, where a nutritionist has very yummy recipes and offers a motivational support network to stick to the plan, which includes exercises and meditation.

Other Natural Approaches

I made a point of doing 90 minutes of exercise every day, which included walking, biking and yoga. I discovered that doing the hardest activity in the morning would address my fatigue issues.

Regarding the toxin reductions, I threw away every care product that had toxic components and replaced them with natural ones, or made my own,  and I did the same for the house cleaning products. I also substituted plastic containers for glass ones, did skin brushing and castor oil packs.

For mental health and general physical balance, I had acupuncture weekly or biweekly at a community acupuncture studio, which also helped to balance my hormones. I joined a local support group which helped me to understand more of my symptoms, to be able to talk about it to other people, and to inform my family and friends. I also did meditation, Reiki, body talk and Shiatsu. I started to say no to people when they were asking too much for what I could comfortably do. I put myself and my health first, and stayed away from any abusive kind of relationship or situation.

I’m looking forward to the day I’ll be completely cleared of the endometriomas, but I can tell I am feeling much better. Seeing these improvements, my surgeon supports my holistic path. He’s impressed that I can avoid gluten and sugar, but I think it’s necessary. When people feel sorry for me about my lifestyle changes, I tell them, “Why? I am not sorry to feel well!”

It is challenging to maintain this lifestyle, in terms of time management and social activities, but my job allows for flexible hours and most friends are understanding. My very supportive partner is also helping in some of the home chores and sharing these changes in our lives.

Functioning properly is the most important thing for me and I’m very determined to keep this as my number one priority. If I am not functioning well, I am of no use for anybody else.

Highlighted Readings

“Endometriosis: You can Heal Yourself” by Cristiana Zenoni

Endometriosis Resolved

“Never be sick again” by Raymond Francis

“The Hormone Cure” by Sara Gottfried MD

“Taking Charge of your Fertility” by Toni Weschler MPH

“Pandora’s Lunch Box” by Melanie Warner


  1. Thank you for your article, Morena! I experienced debilitating endometriosis and have healed thru my holistic journey, as well. I was diagnosed with endometriosis when an endometrial cyst 6 times the size of my ovary ruptured and was so enlarged that it pushed my uterus out of alignment and required the removal of my left fallopian tube. I naturally follow a Paleo diet, have done castor oil packs, vagina steams, liver detoxes, specific tinctures, acupuncture, and Arvigo treatment.

    I’m particularly drawn to progesterone cream cuz my periods are still heavy and are consistently delayed. There isn’t much information on how to use it specifically for endometriosis. I’ve read that it can be applied daily on the 6th day of your period until the 26th day. So I get my period for 3 days. Day 1, day 2, day 3 are all period days, then on day 6 – day 26, I’m to use the progesterone cream.

    Is this how you used it? Do you have a dosage recommendation or resource on how to use progesterone?

    Thank you in advance!

    • Hi Jamie! My Naturopath make me use it from day 14 to day 21. I can inquire her about different day usage. We adjust the dosing from time to time.

  2. Is your endometriosis completly gone now? And whe you say shrinking, could you be a bit more specific? I had an surgery last year and now i need a new one, but i dont feel like this is working, having a surgery every year

    • Hi Priya
      My situation is not completely stable.
      At the time of this article, the endometriomas shrunk about 1/2 size (were about less than a cm). They cannot see anything on the left side, since about 1 1/2 years , while the right ones kept growing (a total of about 4.5 cm). The one on the bowel stayed the same. Though last year I removed the probiotics, so that may have played a role? This year I implemented back the probiotics, plus wobenzyme, and digestive enzymes, and my naturopath made me a specific tincture. Also trying to make intermittent fasting most days. The endometrioma shrunk again considerably, and they couldn’t see the one in the bowel, back in June (though could be a fluke, will see next visit). I have another appointment in December, so will see. My overall pain has decreased considerably, while before was a stabbing pain every day, now I just get some pain during ovulation and around my period, but still manageable.
      With me, there is an issue with the detoxification ability of the liver, so I feel that probiotics are really needed, and anything else that is supporting detox. I also think these things take time, because you need to understand what works with you and what is your specific situation. A naturopath usually can run more extensive tests to dig more into how your body is functioning and if you have particular deficiencies, and work out a specific plan for you. Hope it helps.

  3. Morena, this is such a thoughtfully written piece, and spot on from my experience. I’ve had a miserable forties thinking it was a ‘horrendous menopause’ then remembered a scan I had where endo was mentioned. It made sense of everything – even symptoms back to puberty. I’ve approached the last six months with a vigorous holistic attitude – purged my house/ lifestyle of toxins, supported my liver/adrenals/thyroid and digestive system with supplements, cut as much stress as I could from my life and now have no sciatic pain (it was crippling), 30% less pain at obvious times, much lighter bleeding (although still mid cycle) and my weight is gradually dropping. I find that inflammation soothing is key – detox baths help me and yoga/stretching and letting my emotions out. I’ve also just moved to a lectin minimising diet with noticeable impact on the soreness in my stomach. I just wanted to add my natural approach voice to yours, and also stress good improvements can be made even without hormone treatment – at my life stage I wanted to avoid it. Best wishes with your continued health!

    • Amazing! Thank you for sharing your success and the things that worked with you. Very inspirational and bringing hope to all of us!

  4. You have inspired me, Morena. I am struggling with post surgery pain after having excised stage 4 endo. I need to get on a healing path soon. My ovulation time is killing me. Which natural progesterone cream did you use? I am against hormonal treatment in general but this is one I would be willing to try.

    • Hi Priya
      I’m glad my experience gave you hope. The progesterone I take has been prescribed from my naturopathic, along all the other supplements. So the progesterone is natural progesterone, not progestin. Hope this helps.

    • Hi Priya, Sorry if I didn’t see this earlier.
      My naturopath gets it done at a compound pharmacy here in Toronto, it’s called Pace Pharmacy. I think you can ask a naturopath, but a regular MD or gynecologist will likely not prescribe it for you. Hope it helps

  5. I had endometriosis for 18 years and i never thought i would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms i had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage and it was a serious issue. I got to know about Dr. Aleta who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and let her contact details, i contacted Dr. Aleta and she actually confirmed it and i decided to give a try too and use her herbal medicine that was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this december and i am grateful to God and thankful to her for medicine too. If you have (Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroid, Ovarian cyst, Ectopic Pregnancy or any infertility issues) just reach her on (aletedwin @ gmail. com) she has professional advise and a cure too.

  6. Congratulations on your holistic success Morena! I wish you all the best and hope your healthful path continues to be a success to you. You’re doing amazing!

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