Are you familiar with the phrase “iatrogenic illness”? An affirmative answer is more likely among the readers of this website than the public
MoreDepression and Mood Disorders: Trivialized Side Effects of Birth Control
Doctors frequently dismiss irritability and depression as minor side effects of birth control – a mere inconvenience that can easily be treated.
MoreBirth Control Deserves Honest Discussions
All throughout school I was something of a class clown. The only difference between then and now is that now I have
MoreHair Was a Musical – Hair Loss Is a Drama.
Once you become familiar with the wide variety of side effects linked to birth control, you begin to see them everywhere. Daily
MoreBirth Control Problems? The Eyes Have It
I have a lot of conversations about birth control. It’s what I do. I’m kind of a one trick pony that way.
MoreThe Promise of Drug Safety
What they say:“Birth control is the safest, most tested drug on the market.”What their tone says:“Did you just crawl out from under
MoreBirth Control is Bad News for Thyroid and Liver
A lot of things baffle me about the medical industry’s approach to birth control, but the one thing I’ve struggled with the
MoreBirth Control’s Misremembered History
“Memory itself is an internal rumour; and when to this hearsay within the mind we add the falsified echoes that reach us