Allergic diseases are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment. They
MoreMigraine, Diet, and Thiamine
In US population studies, the prevalence of migraine is approximately 18% in women and 6% in men. About 90% of sufferers have
MoreThis book by Lonsdale D, and Marrs C, is available on Amazon books. It is published by Elsevier. Written particularly for physicians
MoreWhether we like to recognize it or not, the human body is a “hybrid”, meaning that it burns fuel and uses electricity
MoreWhat is Dyspnea?This is the medical term for shortness of breath. The word is derived from the Greek, dys meaning abnormal +
MoreMuch has been written in the medical literature concerning the biochemical and potentially treatable nature of a group of conditions known as
MoreI have addressed this problem before on this website. However, in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, March 27: an article appeared
MoreFew people are aware that we have in the body many examples of rhythmic changes referred to as cycles. Even fewer are