ME-CFS Long Covid Summit2021_Day3_July7

Announcing the Long Covid and ME/CFS Holistic Summit: July 5-14


The Long Covid and ME/CFS Holistic Healing Summit is happening online from July 5 – 14th. It is free to access during those dates and includes 25+ expert speakers, case studies, classes, and more. The summit will focus on a holistic approach to recovery and includes information about, and speakers with expertise in, nutrition, supplements, breathing, high dose thiamine, vagus nerve stimulation, the Perrin technique, energy healing, pacing, yoga, meditation, and more. In fact, there is an entire day of thiamine related speakers.

Speakers for the summit include: Dr. Sarah Myhill, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, Dr. Charles Lapp, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, MD and Chandler Marrs, PhD of and co-authors of the book: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition, Elliot Overton, from Objective Nutrients, writer for Hormones Matter, and proponent of high dose thiamine, Jeff Lubell, Josh Duntz of STASIS, Cort Johnson of , Dr. Raymond Perrin, Dr. Alex Loyd of The Healing Codes, Dr. Bradley Nelson of the Emotion Code, Meghan Currie (yoga), Sarah Ramey (The Lady’s Handbook to Her Mysterious Illness), Rachel Talan (yoga), and many more.

All are welcome to join. Almost all of the talks will apply to everyone, though the focus is mainly on Long Covid and ME/CFS.

Register for free and find all the details here at

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After healing from severe ME/CFS that kept her housebound and bedbound for 8+ years in her 20s, many days unable to feed herself or walk to the bathroom, Lorrie began coaching others in the tried and true methods that had helped her to recover. She recognized there were some things to DO and things to NOT DO in order to recover and/or live a full life within the illness. Through her own experience and from working with hundreds of clients over the past 20 years, she developed the step by step Relief & Transformation: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS online program, which is what she wished she had so many years ago. She also developed the online Yoga + Strength Training Program for Long Covid and ME/CFS.

In addition to her Holistic and Well-Being coaching practice, Lorrie is also a best-selling co-author with Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer. She is a professional singer, writer and actress and sang at the Grits and Granite Inaugural Ball in Washington, DC for Obama’s first inauguration. And in another life, she’s Lorrie the Lady Welder and welds yard art made of discarded steel.


  1. Please can you help me. I paid the fee for the Long Covid Summit and was charged, but never received confirmation and a link to get to it. There is a phone number but no way to ask, tells me to email, the email doesn’t work!! Can you direct me to a way to get in touch please? This should not be that difficult. Thank you!! Mary Pritchard

    • Hi dear Mary,
      This is Alaina, one of Lorrie’s team members for the Long Covid Summit. There are a few things you can do:
      1. make sure to add to your contacts so you get emails
      2. check spam and promotions folders for your confirmation email from a kajabi email address
      3. contact us at and we’ll walk you through and make sure you get access (not sure why the email didn’t work…)
      4. go to and reset your password then check for an email from a kajabi email address

      We are happy to help! It may be that you cancelled your Living From Inspiration email subscription, which means our email system is unable to send emails to you unless we manually add it back in, which we have to know to do before we can do it 🙂

      Alaina (for Lorrie)

  2. Great insights here, too, on Organizing Pneumonia aspects of Covid-19, and the Long Covid information starts at minute 24,

    We need many tools in the tool chest, and these frontline MD’s are getting shut down, and that is the crime of the Century, maybe!

    Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin (Let’s help end the pandemic.)

    COVID and the lung damage/ Updates from the Ivermectin world/ COVID long-haulers and the management approach

    Dr. Kory gained international fame when he went to the US senate and asked for the approval for the Ivermectin for COVID. Since then, INH has changed their position from against Ivermectin to neither against and nor pro Ivermectin – a neutral position is still a better position to allow physicians to use it without fear. Similarly WHO has started reviewing Ivermectin’s efficacy for COVID as well.

    Here’s Dr. Kory’s biography

    Dr. Pierre Kory is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, and Pulmonary Medicine and is also a Testamur of the National Board of Echocardiography Exam. He recently served for 5 years as the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin where he was an Associate Professor and the Chief of the Critical Care Service. He is considered a pioneer and national expert in the field of Critical Care Ultrasonography and is the senior editor of the widely read textbook “Point-of-Care Ultrasound” which is in its 2nd edition and has been translated into 7 languages, having won the President’s Choice Award for Medical Textbooks from the British Medical Association in 2015. Dr. Kory also ran a busy pulmonary practice in New York City for almost ten years and has also lectured on and published numerous peer-reviewed articles in two other areas of clinical interest and expertise; 1) the use of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest and 2) the efficacy of intravenous ascorbic acid in the treatment of severe infections and septic shock.

    He has also previously served for three years as a Program Director of a Fellowship Training Program for doctors specializing in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and has won multiple major Departmental Teaching Awards at each institution in which he has served as faculty. More recently, he became one of the founding members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( composed of 5 national/international critical care experts that devised a COVID-19 treatment protocol called MATH+ and he also served as an emergency volunteer during the early COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, NY where he spent 6 weeks attending the main COVID-19 ICU at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center.

    Then, take a look here:

    Ivermectin and the odds of hospitalization due to COVID-19: evidence from a quasi-experimental analysis based on a public intervention in Mexico City

    Case study: Policy intervention in Mexico City

    Increase in COVID-19 cases and with critical levels of hospital saturation during December 2020

    Mexico City Government decided to expand population-based health

    Implementation of a prehospital home-care program

    Combining early detection with antigen tests

    230 kiosks

    Phone-based follow up for positive patients

    Since 28 December, 2020, medical ivermectin kits have been provided to positive mild to moderate symptomatic patients

    Dyspnea, chest pain or cyanosis, referred to a hospital

    Ivermectin, four 6mg tablets, two pills for two days

    After one month, 83,000 medical kits delivered

    Detailed data was collected on the evolution of patient illnesses

    Quasi-experimental evaluation of the effects of the medical kits on

    Kit receivers and non-kit receivers

    Matched observations, adjusting by age, sex, COVID severity, and comorbidities

    Controls, N = 156,468 patients with COVID-19 infection before implementing the ivermectin program

    Experimental group, n = 77,381 after the implementation

    Outcome variable: whether or not the person was hospitalized


    Negative and significant effect of the ivermectin-based medical kit on
    the probability of hospitalization

    Effect ranges from 50% to 76%

    Difference in hospitalization odds between treated and untreated patients, statistically significant in all cases

    As expected, the effect of the medical kits is higher and stronger among males, in older patients, and in cases without severe symptoms

    Discussion and limitations

    we found that the medical kit given en masse to patients who’d tested positive in Mexico City had a negative, significant, and robust effect on their odds of being hospitalized.

    Independently of the medical telephone follow, level of hospital occupancy, specific period of time

    Similar trend, Perú (Chamie-Quintero Et Al, 2021).

    Principal mechanisms, reduction of viral load, in the patients that take ivermectin in early stages of the disease

    Chamie-Quintero Et Al, 2021, Peru

    25 states of Peru

    Grouped by extent of IVM distributions

    Maximal, medium, minimal

    Reductions in excess deaths (30 days after peak deaths)

    maximal, 74%
    medium, 53%
    minimal, 25%

    Reduction of excess deaths is correlated with extent of IVM distribution by state p less than 0.002

    This strongly suggests that IVM treatments can likewise effectively complement immunizations to help eradicate COVID-19.

    The indicated biological mechanism of IVM,

    competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,

    is likely non-epitope specific,

    possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains.

    Uttar Pradesh

    Uttar Pradesh government, first to have introduced a large-scale “prophylactic and therapeutic” use of Ivermectin

    Helped the state to maintain a lower fatality and positivity rate as compared to other states

    Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, August 6, 2020

    Agra, Dr Anshul Pareek and State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal

    Administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in Agra

    None of them developed Covid-19

    Despite being in daily contact

    Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population

    Lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use UP

  3. Lorrie, I was only able to listen to a part of the day 3 presentation on thiamine in long-haul Covid. I am wondering if ANYONE has formally tried thiamine as a treatment?

    Thank you–this was a wonderful conference!

    • Hi there dear Amanda, thank you for being a part of the summit!

      Angela Neff is a case study in the summit and has had significant improvement in energy levels from thiamine HCl. Also Jeff Lubell’s daughter…they’re using high dose thiamine and it’s made a big difference in her energy levels and brain fog. I also interviewed another woman, Lisa Rose, whom it made a big difference for in energy levels as well…I wasn’t able to post that one because of internet issues.

      If you’re asking specifically about Long Haulers/Long Covid, I know that Elliot Overton has experienced results using a combination of high dose Niacin (nicotinamide ribocide form) + high dose thiamine. For some reason the niacin is working really well for Long Covid in his practice.

  4. I don’t know why but your video from the summit comes up private and you need to sign in after I am signed in. I’d really like to see it!!

    • Hi dear Annette,
      It might be a timing issue if you’re in a different time zone…I shoot to release the main videos for each day at 1am eastern US. So the main Day 3 videos featuring Dr. Lonsdale, Chandler Marrs, and Elliot Overton would have been accessible starting this morning at 1am eastern US. The bonuses for Day 3 will be fully accessible before 8am eastern this morning (usually try to have them accessible earlier but running a bit behind this morning).

      I hope that helps out!

  5. This is fantastic! Thank you all.

    COVID was definitely a tipping point in many. Patients are even seeing reactivation of stealth pathologies like Lyme/Bartonella/Babesia etc. Mold toxicity too. Everything that was in check before COVID when the body’s systems worked.

    • You’re welcome Tony! We’re so lucky to have so many incredible speakers in this area of expertise.

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